I know I've only just finished my last class, BUT I just had to plan out another make-up class a.s.a.p.
The last two classes I've been giving more emphasis on the eyes. This time I want to do something a little bit different.
I've been noticing that some women in Brunei do like to wear bright lipstick but could really do with proper technique application, and I do know a few women who would like to wear bright lipstick but aren't brave enough to put it on.
So my solution is, learn to wear it correctly and you can wear any bright lipstick you want.
Gwen Stefani's look is well known for her bright red lipstick and so our next class will be a look inspired by her!
In this class I'll be teaching make-up especially to wear with red lipstick or any other bright colour.
Friday, 19th August 2011 (Puasa Time)
10am - 1pm
Tungku Link, Gadong, Brunei Darussalam
Fee: $40
1) Wear a plain black top
2) Bring all your make-up that you own especially FOUNDATION AND FACE POWDER
3) Be as punctual as possible
" Yes! You Will Look Stunning In Bold Lipstick :) "
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